Mitigation Cost-Share FAQs
What properties qualify for cost-share Assistance?
Cost-share assistance is available for primary residents living in Madison, Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, McDowell, Rutherford, Polk, or Cleveland Counties in WNC. Second homes or short term rentals are not eligible for cost-share assistance. Long-term rental properties are eligible.
Communities within the 8 counties are eligible for cost-share assistance for completing mitigation projects on community property. A community assessment must be completed within the last 5 years to identify mitigation priorities.
When can i schedule a risk assessment?
Home assessments are scheduled Monday through Friday between 9am and 4pm. They take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on needs and questions. Contact us with your name, address, county, and phone number to set up an assessment.
I just had some trees removed. Can i get reimbursed for it?
Residents must apply for cost-share assistance and sign a reimbursement agreement BEFORE the project begins. We do not reimburse for projects that have already happened.
Can i hire more than one contractor to complete my mitigation priorities?
A resident can hire up to 2 contractors to complete mitigation tasks (e.g. one for vegetation thinning and one for cleaning gutters/roofs). No more than 2 contractors are allowed on the application.
Can I rent equipment to complete Mitigation Tasks?
Residents may decide to do the mitigation work themselves, a great opportunity for a group of neighbors. They can apply for cost-share assistance to rent equipment to complete mitigation tasks, e.g. chippers, weed-eaters, trimmers. Residents cannot use cost-share assistance to purchase their own equipment, only equipment rentals.
Hand tools such as polesaws, rakes, loppers, silky saws, and leaf blowers can be borrowed (for free!) from MVRCD's Mitigation Tool Cache.
I want to apply for cost-share assistance, what do I do first?
The first step to apply for cost-share assistance is to schedule a wildfire risk home assessment. This is a free service offered by MVRC&D and NC Forest Service. The home assessment will identify your home's wildfire risk and your mitigation priorities. You must have mitigation priorities noted on your assessment to qualify for cost-share.
What types of mitigation projects qualify for cost-share?
Only vegetation management projects within 100 feet of the house or 10 feet of the driveway qualify for cost-share, e.g. tree and brush thinning or removal; clearing leaves and debris from roofs, gutters, and within 30 feet of the house; pruning tree limbs 6-10 feet in the air or 1/3 the height of the shrub; clearing vegetation for emergency vehicle access. Other qualifying projects are listed in the cost-share guidelines document. Home hardening projects do not qualify for cost-share but are highly encouraged, e.g. installing mesh screening under porches or behind vents; installing stone within 5 feet of the house.
What is the reimbursement amount?
We will reimburse 50% of the cost to reduce your wildfire risk within 100 feet of your home and 10 feet of your driveway. Our reimbursement is capped at $2,000. If you have an estimate that is above $4,000, we can accept it but we cannot reimburse more than $2,000. The resident must complete the application process and provide proof of payment to the contractor (paid invoice) to be reimbursed.
What type of pictures do you need Before/After the project?
2-3 before pictures must be submitted with the application. These pictures should show the project area in relation to the house or driveway. The after pictures MUST be from the same perspective/angle, again showing the house or driveway in the shot.
What does "High-risk" mean?
When human development mingles with forested land, the area is called the Wildland Urban Interface. This area is especially vulnerable to wildfire as it's typically surrounded by fuel. Homes that are situated on a steep slope, in or near a forest or overgrown vegetation are considered in a "high risk" area. Scheduling a home assessment will determine what your risks are and how to reduce your risk.
Who can i hire to complete mitigation projects?
We leave it up to the landowner to hire a professional contractor to complete the mitigation work. You may use your existing contractor or we can give you a list of contractors others have used in the past for cost-share projects. The contractor must be insured and provide documentation for estimates and paid invoices.
how long is Mitigation cost-share assistance available?
Cost-share assistance funding is now available indefinitely.
What is a cubic yard and how do i estimate this amount?
After the mitigation project is complete, we will ask for an estimated amount of cubic yards of debris removed during the project. Please ask your contractor for this estimate! CYD measures 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet (27 cubic feet) of material. The back of a pickup truck holds approximately 3 CYD. See pg 4 of the guidelines document for visuals and estimations.