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Mitigation Cost-share Assistance

FUnding is no longer available

Mountain Valleys RC&D’s Mitigation Cost-Share Assistance Program offers 50% reimbursement for residents within our eight-county region to hire out a contractor or rent equipment to remove hazardous fuels, reducing the home’s risk of ignition from wildfire.

This program can assist full-time residents living in the following WNC counties: Buncombe, Madison, Henderson, McDowell, Polk, Transylvania, Cleveland, & Rutherford Counties. Preference given to homes or communities with moderate-to-high wildfire risk.​

** To receive cost-share assistance, an application and agreement must be submitted and signed before the project begins. **


Mitigation tasks include: Tree and brush thinning, dead vegetation removal, pruning trees and shrubs, cleaning gutters, treating Miscanthus grass.

Before and after pictures of mitigation projects.


Projects must be within 100 feet of the home or 10 feet from the driveway. Resident reimbursements are capped at $2,000; community reimbursements are capped at $4,000. 

Funding is available until April 30, 2023 or until funds run out.

Contact for an application. Please provide your name, phone, address, and county of residence.


Mitigation cost-share assistance now includes  treating Miscanthus sinensis, aka: Chinese Silvergrass or pampas grass, within 100 feet of the home. Treatment includes mowing and spraying with herbicide to kill this highly flammable and invasive plant.

The application process is similar to our current mitigation cost-share program (apply, get work done, receive reimbursement) although because this currently comes from another funding source you do have to apply for this separately.

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Contact for an application. Please provide your name, phone, address, and county of residence.


Frequently asked questions

You may have questions regarding how to schedule an assessment, who to hire, etc. Read our FAQ page to find your answer!

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MV Blog Entry

For more information

Contact the Wildfire Preparedness Coordinator

at 828-206-6159 or

*Please provide your name, phone, address, and county.

Interested in becoming a project partner? Contractors, community organizers, land managers. Contact us to discuss how to get involved!

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4388 US Hwy 25-70, Suite #3, Marshall, NC 28753      

o. (828) 206-6159***

Our office line has been down since Helene,

please call 828-776-4263


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